Green card /Permanent Resident Visa - United States
To apply for a Green Card, applicant must be eligible under one of the following categories listed below:
Family Based Green Card
Green Card through Employment
Family Based Green Card
Spouse, unmarried child of US citizen, or parent of US Citizen who is 21 years of age
Married son or daughter of a US Citizen, brother or sister of a US citizen at least 21 years of age
Family member of Lawful Permanent Resident, spouse, or children under or over 21 years of age
Fiance of a US Citizen or the Fiance’s child - Person admitted to US as a fiance of US Citizen as K1 immigrant or K2 immigrant
Widower of a US Citizen - must be married to your spouse at the time your spouse died
VAWA self petitioner-victim of battery or extreme cruelty - abused spouse, child of US citizen or Lawful permanent resident.
Family Based Green Card
Immigrant Worker with specialized skill sets (STEM) in high demand in the United States
Physician - who agrees to practice full time in a designated underserved area and also meets eligibility requirement.
Immigrant Investor - has invested or is int he process of investing %1,000,000+ in a new commercial enterprise in the USA which will create at least 10 qualifying employees.
Other Categories of Green Card under special circumstances are:
Green Card as a Special Immigrant
Green Card through Refugee or Asylee Status
Green CArd for Human Trafficking and Crime Victims
Green Card through Other Categories
Green Card Through Registry
Lottery Based Green Cards - for some nationals who are underrepresented in the US